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Customized Travel Planning

We organize all the details required to plan your travels in advance. We note your special requests into your corporate passenger profile and make these requests ready before the flight. In this way, we ensure that your business goes better by saving time and energy.

By creating specific reports for your needs of your organization, we provide a more efficient travel experience where you can plan budgets. In addition to our constant reports, we aim to provide maximum efficiency from your corporate travels with reports specially prepared for you.

As EYKAS, customer satisfaction is our priority. Therefore, we always offer you professional support. We help you in the best way possible with our 24/7 customer support line via phone and e-mail access.

İstanbul – Dap Yapı Merkez Mah. Firuze Sk.

S Ofis No:5 Kapı: 75 Kağıthane
0 (212) 283 95 27